"The POSITIVE Place For Kids!"

The Boys and Girls Club of Malvern and Hot Spring County strives to change the lives of each child who enters our door by providing a safe place to be, a loving environment, character development, hope and opportunity. 

We Truly Believe We Are To:

Our Mission

To enable young people to reach their full potential to be productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Our Vision

Provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who walks through our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Our Values

Has full-time professional leadership. Our staff is supplemented by part-time workers and volunteers.
*Assures that all young people can afford to belong. Membership dues are kept low, so that all can afford to belong. No one will be deterred from joining.

*Has a varied and diversified program that works. The Club recognizes and responds to the collective and Individual needs of young people, utilizing nationally recognized educational and recreational programs that have been proven effective over many years.

*Is guidance oriented. The Boys and Girls Club of Malvern & HSC emphasizes positive values in the relationships
members have with each other and their adult leaders. We help boys and girls make appropriate and satisfying
choices in their physical, educational, personal, and social lives. New Paragraph


Our Board Of Directors is a community full of local individuals, business owners and like minded people who strive at building a safe environment to enrich our children's lives and help them grow. 


Jason Floriani


Katie Black

Vice President

Kerri Brashier


Stevie Smith


Board Members:

Michael Acord
Bill Birch
Darren Johnson
Danny Hedges

Doye Delacruz
Billy Hunter
Stevie Smith

Devin Dismuke
Kerri Brashier
Dylan Briner


Our very heart and soul runs on the efforts of our committed volunteers. We are always looking for new friendly faces to join the family. If interested in donating some of your time or know someone that may be interested in becoming a volunteer please download the application below and submit to malbgc@yahoo.com or mail to:

Boys & Girls Club
 1840 W Moline
Malvern,  AR 72104

In order to protect the youth we serve, we are required to check all employee & volunteer records and backgrounds prior to employment or volunteer services. This form can be used for regular Employee, Volunteer, Coach, Referee, and Umpire. Hard copy is made available at the above address if needed. 
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